PHOTOS: First Look At The Millennium Falcon On The Set Of “Star Wars: Episode VIII”
byJoe moved from New York to Florida back in 1997. He currently resides in St. Petersburg and visits the parks frequently. His first visit to the Magic Kingdom was when he was 8 years old back in 1974. Joe originally originally started as a photographer for WDWNT and is now the host of WDWNT: Nerd Alert, our movie reviewer and reports the news for WDWNT. You can contact Joe through email at
The Daily Mail got their hands on some exclusive photos of set pieces from “Star Wars: Episode VIII”. The most recognizable image is of The Millennium Falcon. At the end of “The Force Awakens”, we see the Falcon land on the planet Ahch-To as Chewbacca and R2-D2 watch Rey climb the Jedi Steps in search … Read more