“StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes Ballet,” the brand-new show, premiered yesterday exclusively at Disney’s Storybook Theater at Hong Kong Disneyland. Featuring the spunky rabbit from Duffy & Friends, StellaLou, this ballet is the first-ever collaboration between Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Ballet.
The new show at Hong Kong Disneyland showcases Duffy’s friend, StellaLou, as she pursues her dreams of performing in a ballet recital. Accompanied by dancers from Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Ballet, and her friends Duffy, LinaBell, and Gelatoni, StellaLou overcomes obstacles to achieve her ballet dream.
StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes is a 30-minute production, featuring an original theme song, costumes, stage set, and choreography. While this new show is a first for Hong Kong Disneyland, the park’s leadership has made it clear that more exclusive entertainment should be expected soon.
“We’re thrilled to bring this one-of-its-kind performance to life together with Hong Kong Ballet, connecting Disney fans and ballet lovers alike through cultural collaboration. As a premium destination in the region, we will continue to explore more opportunities to curate exclusive experiences for guests at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and to take our entertainment experiences to a whole new level,” said Michael Moriarty, managing director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
Ballerinas from Hong Kong Ballet joined StellaLou and her friends on a dream-pursuing journey through dance. As a partner organization for this new show, Hong Kong Ballet is happy to help make StellaLou’s own ballet dreams come true.
“Hong Kong Ballet shares the same passion as Hong Kong Disneyland Resort for bringing world-class performances to audiences. We’re honored to put on this show where one of StellaLou’s dreams came true – the very same dream of every ballet dancer. My dream is that more people will fall in love with ballet after watching it,” said Linda Fung, Vice-Chairman of Board of Governors of Hong Kong Ballet.
A representative from the Hong Kong SAR Government was also in attendance at the debut performance and commends the innovative collaboration.
“ ‘StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes Ballet’ exemplifies the collaboration between performing arts and tourism, it brings our city’s wonderful diversity and creativity in the most fantastic and immersive ways,” said Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Following the premiere show, Randy Wojcik, creative director of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Septime Webre, Artistic Director of Hong Kong Ballet, shared behind-the-scenes insight with guests including the story and inspiration, music, costumes, choreography and set design.
Watch the Debut Performance of StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes Ballet at Hong Kong Disneyland (Courtesy of Disney Magic Kingdom Blog on YouTube)
“StellaLou’s Wonderful Wishes Ballet” will take place four to five times each day, from April 5 through April 10 and from April 14 through April 16, at Hong Kong Disneyland. With a shared mission toward arts accessibility, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Ballet worked closely with the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong to arrange a few adjusted shows, tailored for audiences with disabilities, who would benefit from a more relaxed and comfortable environment.
Hong Kong Disneyland has also announced a slate of other new offerings as they celebrate “Duffy and Friends Play Days” from April through June 22. Guests can jump into a whole new “Fans-tasy” adventure, including the brand-new “Duffy and Friends Play House,” exclusive merchandise, and delicious new food and beverage items.
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