While Tokyo Disney Resort has announced the return of its dining shows this year, one beloved show will not be returning in its original form. The beloved Duffy & Friends dining show at Tokyo DisneySea will no longer be offered all day for free, instead being converted to a fixed showtime, advance reservation, upcharge experience.
Duffy & Friends’ Wonderful Friendship
Starting July 3, guests at Tokyo DisneySea will be able to experience the new “Duffy & Friends’ Wonderful Friendship” mealtime show, replacing the former “My Friend Duffy” show at Cape Cod Cook-Off in American Waterfront. The show will feature Duffy and his friends working together to create a party and deepen their friendship while overcoming troubles that occur along the way. CookieAnn, ‘Olu Mel, and LinaBell will all make their first costumed appearances at Tokyo DisneySea in the new show.
Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, and the Cape Cod postman bird TippyBlue will not be part of the show.
Unlike the former “My Friend Duffy,” which ran all day on a standby line system, guests will be required to make reservations to see the show one month in advance which will only have four seatings per day. Given the popularity of the Duffy & Friends characters, it’s likely that these show reservations will be highly coveted and difficult to obtain.
Seating is divided into three tiers — S, A, and B. S tier is represented on the map by blue, green for A, and red for B. Prices are as follows:
- S Seats: ¥3600 ($26.85)
- A Seats: ¥3100 ($23.12)
- B Seats: ¥2600 ($19.39)
The meal is also fixed for these shows — one of the current Cape Cod First Prize Set meals along with a strawberry mousse dessert.
How do you feel about free perks going away in favor of upcharges? Let us know in the comments!
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