Comments on: The Ultimate Secret to Saving Thousands at Disney World /2023/02/ultimate-secret-saving-thousands-at-disney-world/ The Worldwide Leader in Disney Parks News Sat, 04 Feb 2023 20:27:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: michael cassidy /2023/02/ultimate-secret-saving-thousands-at-disney-world/#comment-55584879 Sat, 04 Feb 2023 20:27:51 +0000 being dvc members, when there used to be the magical express, we were subject to remaining in the di$ney bubble. since they got rid of that perk, we have started driving to di$ney instead. no longer being a subject of the bubble, we get a nice place to stay like okw or boardwalk one bedrooms, go off property to eat or cook in room [bring a lot of your own food, the publix at champions gate is nice but the meat selection leaves alot to be desired. plus if you like your alcoholic drink, buying off property is so much cheaper]. plus, we can drive over to universal to get out of the bubble or seaworld. however, the traffic especially on I 4 is pretty nerve racking i will admit. it has saved us quite a bit of money plus we get the freedom to see alot more of the area. after a certain amount of time at di$ney, being to be able to escape sometimes is invaluable. so thankyou cheapact. by that one thing alone, you have given us much more to do than spend all our dollars just at di$ney since we are no longer captive to the di$ney bubble. as an added plus, we also only have to make reservations at some restaurants off property. also, we can transfer our dvc points to our children so they can take their children and their childrens children to di$ney one day when rooms might very well cost thousands of dollars per night more than today. taking away perks for the guests has certain consequences to the bottom line di$ney. just like taking away fast passes means more people are standing in line for longer periods of time rather than spending more money in the parks. has your selling lightning lane and genie plus made up for those dollars di$ney? not to mention taking away tables in wonderland and not being able to park hop like we used to do. sometimes hitting all 4 parks in the same day. we used to go at least 3 times per year because we have enough points to do so. now we go maybe once a year because we cannot purchase annual passes and have a very long drive. so, there is your bottom line di$ney. you take away, we take away too! another added bonus for us is if out children do not want our dvc membership, we can either rent out the point to others or sell our contracts on the resale market. both purchased before they would not allow you to go to any dvc resort including riviera and any future dvc projects.
