Judy Hopps Replaces Thumper in Zodiac Garden of 12 Friends at Shanghai Disneyland

Shannen Michaelsen

Judy Hopps Replaces Thumper in Zodiac Garden of 12 Friends at Shanghai Disneyland


Judy Hopps has replaced Thumper as the rabbit character in the Garden of the Twelve Friends at Shanghai Disneyland.

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This zodiac garden has mosaics of characters representing each animal in the Chinese zodiac, like Remy for the rat and Maximus for the horse.

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Shanghai Disneyland Imagineer Leia Mi shared photos on Instagram of the new Judy Hopps mosaic, created just in time for the Year of the Rabbit.

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A plaque with her name is above Judy’s mosaic.

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She’s depicted on the train arriving in Zootpia.

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A “Zootopia” land is currently under construction at Shanghai Disneyland.

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Above is our photo of the Thumper mosaic, with the rabbit standing on a log.

How do you feel about Judy replacing Thumper? Do you wish a completely different Disney rabbit was used in the garden? Let us know in the comments.

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  • Shannen Michaelsen

    Shannen has been a Disney Parks fan and lover of dogs since childhood, despite Pluto's attempt to eat Shannen's Minnie Mouse doll the first time they met. They've made up now. You can email Shannen at shannen@mail.hkdrnt.com.

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