Home Store and WonderGround Gallery Moving, New Name Announced for Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney District

Shannen Michaelsen

Home Store and WonderGround Gallery Moving, New Name Announced for Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney District


As part of the ongoing reimagining of Downtown Disney District at Disneyland Resort, the Disney Home Store and WonderGround Gallery will be moving.

The Downtown Disney District at the Disneyland Resort

They are currently near the center of Downtown Disney District, but will close on January 9, 2023.

disney home wonderground gallery exterior dtd

They will move to the west side of the shopping center, near ESPN Zone, where construction is currently taking place.

disney home inteiror dtd122814

Above is the inside of the current Home Store and below is the inside of the current WonderGround Gallery.

wonderground gallery interior dtd
jazz kitchen construction jan 2023 123220

Meanwhile, work is underway on the update to Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen.

jazz kitchen construction jan 2023 123217

In fact, construction walls around part of the restaurant reveal it’s new name will be Jazz Kitchen Coastal Grill & Patio.

jazz kitchen construction jan 2023 123227

The restaurant remains open during refurbishment.

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Beignets Expressed will be the name of the express window.

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After being briefly blocked from view by scrim, the balcony now has new chairs and decorations.

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Plants were removed and string lights hang across the ceiling of the balcony.

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The chairs are orange and the tables are black.

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A sign says “We are evolving in real time. Enjoy a first peek at our exciting new decor and look for updates soon!”

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The saxophone-shaped sign still advertises Ralph Brennan’s Jazz Kitchen.

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jazz kitchen construction jan 2023 123339

The restaurant’s update, which will also extend to the menu, will incorporate “vibrant California energy” while staying true to the heart of New Orleans.

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  • Shannen Michaelsen

    Shannen has been a Disney Parks fan and lover of dogs since childhood, despite Pluto's attempt to eat Shannen's Minnie Mouse doll the first time they met. They've made up now. You can email Shannen at shannen@mail.hkdrnt.com.

1 thought on “Home Store and WonderGround Gallery Moving, New Name Announced for Jazz Kitchen at Downtown Disney District”

  1. I’m ok with moving these 2 stores to the newer area but what they’ve done to Jazz Kitchen is a travesty. We loved eating there for New Orleans vibe and food. Now it looks (and will taste) like any other mall in California. No need to book here anymore.

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