Disney CEO Bob Iger, Disney Parks Chairman Josh D’Amaro, and Walt Disney World President Jeff Vahle were spotted touring Walt Disney World together this week.
Instagram user @abigail_the_fun_princess shared a photo she took with the three executives at Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
Vahle commented on the photo, “Great meeting you Abby, and thanks for being our guest!”
While Josh D’Amaro and Jeff Vahle are spotted at Disney Parks relatively frequently, Chapek was rarely seen. This is the first time Iger has been seen in the parks since his return as CEO. All three walking the parks together gives the opportunity to discuss issues and changes as a group. And it’s generally positive for guests and Cast Members to see the executives face-to-face, so they can bring up their own concerns and know that they’ve been heard.
Bob Iger returned as CEO in November 2022 when Bob Chapek was suddenly fired. Iger hosted a town hall with Cast Members soon after to respond to questions and concerns.
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Chapek was rarely seen in the parks becsuse he never visited the parks. Would YOU visit the parks if every time your were seen, you were Booed out of the park?
That’s a true magic shot.
Please take away park reservations! Everyone wants to have the freedom to wake up and decide where THEY want to go for the day. If the weather is bad or someone in your group is not feeling well plans CHANGE. The ONLY time parks are packed is during holidays, I understand that.
I totally agree. Reservations have taken the spontaniety out of the park, but also create big issues for a family like ours who has a disabled child and never know if we will be able to go into the park on a particular day. We were annual pass holders to have that flexibiity, but with reservations that does not help. Please end this system. Crowds and managing your day your own way is part of the fun of Disney.
they were all smiling. but i wonder if iger read them the riot act before or after about how cheapact is no longer in charge and bob the beancounters way of running disney nearly into the gutter is now over. i sure hope so!~
Please stop all the price fixed menus!!!!
I feel the planning and cost it takes to create a magical trip to WDW should never lead a family to miss any of the magic. With various inconsistencies, high rise in cost and the Company controlling what guests can and cannot attend on a given day is not a magical feeling. I believe the parks are looking more unkempt and the World really needs to set higher standards again and hold them high if at all possible. With any business, the Leadership makes all the difference and I feel that if they really are out in public experimenting with the Experience as guests do, they hopefully will be able to create a few new plans that work for a variety of budgets, as was the case not all that long ago.
Walt believed in Progress but I have to believe he didn’t want progress to outweighh the creativity and magic, despite the present day obstacles of business, money, and poor judgements and attitudes, and of course, politics. In fact, those have always existed. And despite how things change, lets admit, the more they stay the same.
Building More is not always best. More magic does not need to mean More building. Find a plan that works across the board, complete the unfinished tasks for now, (for examole..dinosaurs are always going to be a favorite fascination..are chsnges in Anmal Kingdom bestvwayvto dpend money atvthis time..?) cease the building for now, let people discover and explore what’s new..than find common consensus in varietiy of fields and topics for the World that need a strong change, that Can be changed..set plan in motion, be consistent and go from there. Another awful feeling is seeing construction take place While exploring the Parks..it’s not at all magical but more of a sad feeling and I’m not sure there isn’t a way to resolve that).
These comments are only my feelings and thoughts based on what I’ve seen as a guest in the Parks over the last few years. Overall, I try to remain hopeful that children of all ages will be able to discover Magic that is meant to be “WDW” as I once did..
Nothing is impossible, there Is always Hope.